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Extracurricular at Tate

Extracurricular activities form an important part of school life at Tate. A wide array of interests and knowledge makes for a well-rounded individual. 

Some of the main activities we present at school include:

  • Cooking Programme

  • Sports Programme

  • Gardening Programme

  • Mindfulness Programme

  • Karate

Cooking Programme:

Students prepare a recipe weekly, following a learning theme centered around the specific recipe. An example - if a pasta dish is being cooked, the students will learn the basic skill of cooking pasta in boiling water, as well as some additional facts, like where pasta originated, what are the different pasta shapes called, etc.

Furthermore, there is a large degree of incidental learning through following a recipe, i.e.:

  • reading

  • counting

  • measuring

  • fine motor skills through food preparation

  • creativity

  • basics of science

Students also get exposure to a large variety of ingredients and dishes. A healthy attitude towards food and nutrition is a cornerstone of a healthy life. 

Sports Programme: 

Each week students get to enjoy some fresh air whilst playing their favourite sport. This is a fantastic way to learn about teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Tate offers 3 different Sports: 

  • ​Soccer

  • Touch Rugby

  • Hockey

Gardening Programme:

Tate's Gardening Programme is a favourite of many students. Few things bring as much joy as watching something grow. Gardening also has a few further learning opportunities for students, namely:

  • understanding seasonality

  • sensory experience where students can touch, smell and see the process of preparing ground, sowing/planting and eventually harvesting

  • understanding and respect for the process of how food is grown 

  • creating a general knowledge of different plant species

Mindfulness Programme

At Tate International School we believe that the most fundamental part of a child’s development is the understanding of their emotions and feelings.


Practising  mindfulness has various benefits, including:

  • reduces the risks of mental issues such as anxiety and depression

  • creates an awareness of gratitude

  • helps students focus on positives in times of struggle and adversity

  • develops compassion and empathy and

  • appreciation for the people and the world around them.


School days typically start with a 10 minute Mindfulness topic, led by teachers and guiding students to offer their input. The last 10 minutes is dedicated to mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that requires focusing your mind on your experiences, thoughts, emotions or sensations, as it happens in the present moment. It involves breathing practice, awareness of body and mind, mental imagery and body relaxation.


Mindset sets the tone for our day and when our day starts with a focused and calm approach, our minds and bodies are ready to learn.


Karate is offered by an external karate school at Tate International School premises. Class sizes are small, offering students the opportunity to practice in a calm environment and hone their skills. 

Furthermore, karate is well known for its benefits to promote listening, self discipline, dedication and mental focus.

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