Tate Junior School
Play is the highest form of research
- Albert Einstein -
Grade 1
In Grade 1 the main focus is on laying the foundations to learning through:
learning to read
understanding what is read
learning to write, in order to create stories and express learning
Beyond the obvious reading, writing and mathematics, Tate International School’s students are exposed to an array of subjects which encourages their imagination and love for the greater world around them. This includes Human Anatomy, Botany, Zoology, Geography, History and Literature.
Once again, focus is put on promoting the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of all kids through play-based learning.
Grade 2 & 3
Grade 2 & 3 focus on reinforcing and practising the foundations and subjects introduced in Grade 1.
It is all about learning to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in Grade 1. Touch typing is added to their skill set of "written" communication mediums.
The students are given the opportunity to start working in groups, learning about group dynamics and then problem-solving together. Critical thinking becomes a large part of the learning experience and students are encouraged to question the status quo.